Post-operative support and information
Mr Michael Gaunt MD (Dist), MA Cantab, FRCS
When do I remove the compression bandages?
After your operation a compression stocking will be applied to the treated leg(s) and compression bandages will be applied on top of the stocking. The bandages should be removed after two days. At this point you may also remove the compression stocking(s) and have a bath or shower. Compression stockings must be worn for two weeks. The hospital will supply spare stockings so the stocking / pair not in use can be washed and used again over the course of the two weeks.
Do I have to wear the compression stockings day and night?
During the first week following your procedure it is best to wear the stockings day and night. You may remove them at night during the second week if you wish.
If the compression bandages become loose and do not seem to be supporting the leg(s), can they be removed and the stockings put on earlier?
Yes. Removing the bandages earlier if they become loose is the correct thing to do. Heavy gym work should be avoided for four weeks to allow healing.
Is it normal to have more pain in the second week?
With Endovenous Laser and VNUS closure, patients can experience more pain and discomfort in the second week following their surgery compared to the first week. This is perfectly normal and represents the treated vein breaking down and setting up an inflammatory response within the body. People vary in the degree of inflammatory response they develop. Unfortunately, those patients who have a vigorous inflammatory response tend to suffer more pain. Any pain and discomfort should settle with anti-inflammatories and simple analgesics such as Paracetamol, or Ibuprofen if you can normally tolerate this.