Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy varicose vein treatment

Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy testimonial for Mr Michael Gaunt

Cheryl’s story

Due to her injection sclerotherapy treatment with Mr Michael Gaunt, Cheryl has been able to resume her travels, discovering new shores and living life to the full.

During an initial consultation Cheryl discussed her Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy varicose vein treatment plan with Mr Michael Gaunt, who explained the treatment options and the techniques and costs involved, as well as discussing which of his clinic locations she would prefer to attend.

Consequently Cheryl decided to proceed with Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy, which takes place in the Outpatient Clinic, and she had her treatment over the course of several sessions.

Cheryl’s treatment for varicose veins and her subsequent adventures across the world offer hope for those experiencing symptoms

“On the coast of Walvis Bay I walked along the beach – I was looking forward to touching the waters of the Atlantic Ocean again. Across the Ocean from where I am pointing in the photo is the coast of Brazil and Sao Paolo.

I truly cannot thank Mr Gaunt enough for my Sclerotherapy treatment. Without this I would not be exploring the world as I am.” Cheryl

A walk-in, walk-out varicose vein treatment 

Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy is performed in the Outpatient clinic as a walk-in, walk-out procedure. Mr Michael Gaunt offers this to treat suitable varicose veins as well as saphenous veins causing underlying problems.

“Gently injecting the sclerosant into varicose veins, I work across the patients’ legs using ultrasound to identify exact placement”  Mr Michael Gaunt

Each patient requires a bespoke treatment plan to ensure different sized varicose veins receive the correct strength of sclerosant. One leg is treated at a time with the second leg treated a couple of weeks later if needed. A review is performed 3 – 4 weeks after a course of treatment, when further treatment is scheduled only if required.

Varicose vein treatments and clinics near you

Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy is just one of the treatments available at any of Mr Michael Gaunt’s varicose vein clinics in London, Cambridge and Bury St Edmunds.

If you are concerned about varicose veins, have skin changes and suffer with painful legs, contact Mr Michael Gaunt for advice and a thorough varicose vein consultation to include a venous Duplex ultrasound scan.

Private Consultation Appointments with Mr Michael Gaunt:

  • 9 Harley Street, London: 01223 305858
  • Circle St Edmunds Hospital: 01223 305858
  • Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital: 01223 266990
  • Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital: 01223 370922

Book a consultation with leading vascular surgeon Mr Michael Gaunt for expert medical advice and treatment options contact us>

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David Hall

“I have just successfully completed the John O’Groats to Land’s End cycle ride – 1060 miles in 9 days – absolutely unthinkable prior to the popliteal entrapment syndrome op! So – once again – many, many thanks!!”

In February 2010 David Hall was treated by Mr Gaunt to correct popliteal entrapment syndrome, he has since gone on to complete one of the most respected & challenging cycle rides, John O’Groats to Land’s End, 1060 miles in just 9 days.

Emma Kaye

“I think the thing that worried me was that I thought I would be ‘out of action’ for several weeks – but this was not the case and the very next day I was walking my dogs a good 40 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon. I also had no pain and never needed to take a pain killer.”

Kari Hawkins

“I had surgery under general anaesthetic and it was really straightforward”

Ian, 34

“Ian rowed for the US team and Cambridge, when he developed varicose veins.”

Varicose veins run in my family. I’ve got two uncles who had the surgery at relatively early ages. But I assumed that varicose veins came from sitting around or that older people or pregnant women got them.

Then about eight years ago, I noticed some stinging on the inside of one of my ankles and what looked like a permanent bruise.

I was told I had varicose veins and advised to wear compression socks during the day. But the stinging got progressively worse and by the end of the day, my ankles would be throbbing – even after wearing the compression socks.

About six months ago, I decided I had to get something done. I went to my GP who referred me to Michael Gaunt.

He did a scan and explained that he’d use VNUS Closure on the larger veins and avulse the smaller veins on my calves and ankles. I had surgery under general anaesthetic and it was really straightforward.

I was up and walking within a couple of hours and on my first day home, I walked for about a mile.

The bruising was fairly extensive, but not worrisome and settled down pretty quickly, as did the pain. The time from surgery to feeling comfortable walking was less than a week.

The impressive thing is that the scarring is minimal. When I tell people I’ve had surgery in the last three months, they are like “where are the scars?” There are just these tiny pin pricks.

But the biggest difference for me is going from living with chronic pain to being without it – that was huge. I kinda kick myself that I didn’t have surgery sooner.